Monday, November 14, 2011

Violence of Medea II: Mermeros and Pheres

Violence of Medea II: Mermeros and Pheres, 2011. 28" x 34". Acrylic and charcoal on cardboard.

This painting is a continuation of the Jason and the Argonaut cycle I have been working on. The work here centers on Medea and the result of her infanticide. Medea, the Scythian raven, with murdered children in tow, escapes to Athens aboard her celestial chariot. In Euripides' play Medea the Chorus is transfixed upon the events around her with morbid fascination. Much like the trial of Casey Anthony that engulfed the American media recently we are equally drawn to and repulsed by this macabre dance.

More discussion after the break!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

American House Now! #2 Neighbors

American House Now! #2 Neighbors, 2011. 14" x 8" x 8". Cardboard, gesso, wood, and plastic.

Made with very rudimentary, refuse type items this sculpture depicts a house frame covered by plastic. This can conjure images of anything from a death shroud, blanket, snow, body bag or a child's ghost costume for Halloween. The act of covering the basic architectural model, made in a style similar to a child's scrawled drawing of a house, suggests I am putting it to sleep. This is a continuation of a running theme I have in my work of protecting items. By burying it or covering it with a sheet it is akin to placing it under the ground or tucking it into bed. It's safe now and monsters of the world can no longer assail it.

Please read more after the break! Lots more pictures and ramblings!